About Cyber Disease
Cyber Disease is a CTF (Capture the Flag) Event, which will be held at Aakaar 2020 (Technical Fest of Civil Dept. of IIT Bombay) on 14th March 2020.
- 3rd Series of National Level Event based on Ethical Hacking and Cyber Security to be held among 6,000 students
- Combined initiative and efforts of i3indya Technologies and Aakaar, IIT Bombay
- Total Prizes worth INR 1 Lakh to be won
- Students from 1500 colleges of India would be participating in the Event including IIT's and NIT's
- Cyber Disease website to get more than 2 Million hits by the time of final event at IIT Bombay
- Cyber Disease to be held in 8 cities of India with a min. participation of 500 students
A very unique and new challenge in the field of Ethical Hacking to be held for the 3rd time in India by i3indya Technologies in association with Aakaar 2020, IIT Bombay whose Prelims would be conducted across 8 cities of India and Finale at Aakaar, IIT Bombay.
Event Details
Event Flow Chart
Before the finale round of Cyber Disease, it's Prelims Round will be conducted at 8 Zonal Center/College of India.
The Prelims would be conducted before 15th February 2020
This total Event is divided into 3 Rounds
Round 1: (Workshop at Zonal Center)
- To participate in Cyber Disease, students will firstly register at any Zonal Center across India
- Attend 2 Days workshop (by i3indya Technologies) at the Zonal Centers
- FREE Study material (E-book) + Certificate would be provided to participants
- The duration of workshop will be of 12 Hours
Round 2: (Prelims Round at Zonal Center)
- At the end of workshop the Prelims of Cyber Disease would be conducted for all the participants who have attended the workshop
- 3 TOP SHORTLISTED STUDENTS will be invited for the FINALE ROUND of "Cyber Disease" to be held at Aakaar 2020, IIT Bombay.
Round 3: (At IIT Bombay)
- Shortlisted Students from all Zonal Centers will meet at the final round of Cyber Disease at IIT Bombay on 14th March 2020.
- Prizes worth Rs 1 Lakh to be won.
NOTE: The Prelims Round at Zonal Center will be conducted between 15th July 2019 to 15th February 2020 and Finale on 14th March 2020 at Aakaar IIT Bombay

How to Participate
- Register Online at www.aakaariitb.in
- Get a Unique ID at your email ID
- Show the Screenshot of confirmation mail and Unique ID at the Registration Desk of Zonal Center
- Attend workshop and get direct entry to the Prelims round on the 2nd day of workshop
- Three (3) Shortlisted Candidates would be send to finale round of Cyber Disease at IIT Bombay
» To Participate for Prelims + Workshop: Click Here
» To Host Event in Your College: Click Here
Q: Who can Participate in Cyber Disease?
A: Any student from any college/year/branch having knowledge of Basic Internet can participate in the event. Working professionals / faculties can't participate
Q: Any Registration Fees for Cyber Disease?
A: Student has to pay an amount of Rs 600/- for the 2 days workshop at Zonal Center.
Q: Will I get Certificate of Participation after attending workshop at Zonal Center ?
A: Yes, from Aakaar, IIT Bombay and i3indya Technologies
Q: Is their any other way to participate in Cyber Disease?
A: No, you have to firstly attend the workshop followed by the Problem Statement given at zonal center
Q: Can I register at all zonal centers?
A: No, A participant can register only at 1 zonal center and his registration would/can be cancelled at other zonal center
Q: Can I shift my zonal center after I had paid for a zonal center ?
A: No, You can't shift once paid for a zonal center